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'Big Short' Michael Burry Bets on a Stock Market Crash
19 Jan 2023
它在 1 月 31 日一言不发。
它的作者是对冲基金 Scion Asset Management 的创始人 Michael Burry。伯里以押注美国房地产市场崩溃而闻名,该崩溃导致了 2008 年的金融危机。
2015 年的电影《大空头》描述了这位在金融和房地产方面没有特别专业知识的投资者如何了解到该行业已成为一座沙堡。金融家和银行家根据向财务脆弱的家庭和信用不佳的借款人发放的抵押贷款创造了奇特的产品。 
他接受了这个角色,从他的 Twitter 账号来看,这是 Cassandra BC 对于交易员和风险承担者,他是一种派对破坏者。 
在为期两年的 covid-19 封锁期间科技行业蓬勃发展之后,科技公司去年裁员近 100,000 人以适应新的经济形势。
裁员浪潮在 2023 年初仍在继续,微软裁员 10,000 人,谷歌裁员 12,000 人。根据数据公司 Layoffs.fyi 的数据,自 1 月以来,科技行业总共裁掉了 85,207 个工作岗位。
“卖出,”这位金融家 1 月 31 日在他的推特账户上写道。他没有再说什么。投资者习惯于神秘的信息。
The Federal Reserve decided to increase its the federal funds rate by 25 basis points (0.25 percentage point) to a range of 4.5% to 4.75%, the highest since 2008. The central bank also said more increases will be needed to bring inflation more closely, and more consistently, towards its 2% target. 
This increase, smaller than the previous ones, seemed to suggest that the central bank felt well positioned in its fight against inflation.
Contrary to Burry's advice, investors did not sell. Quite the opposite, since the S&P 500 Index ended the day up more than 1%.
The S&P 500 just ended January with a 6.2% gain, the best start to a year since 2019, while the Nasdaq 100 jumped nearly 11% for its best January since 2001.
Crash of the Stock Market
But the buy-or-sell debate continues on social networks, where many investors often watch for any of Burry's remarks to help guide their investment strategies. Some investors and amateur traders are puzzled by the investor's premonition, which seemed to suggest that the stock market will crash.
"Michael Burry usually doesn’t miss," commented one Twitter user. "Keep in mind, he began shorting the subprime mortgage mkt in 2005 & the housing mkt bubble burst in 2007, leading to the global financial crisis."
"Instead of me taking a victory lap about being right that there’s no signal in anything that Burry says, I’ll simply layout my thoughts on the market as I see it now," said another user.
"Predicting this market is like predicting the slots in the casino," quipped another Twitter user.
几天前,Burry 暗示当前的股市反弹是海市蜃楼,随后他发出了悲观信息。
1 月 23 日,投资者在推特上发布了 2000 年 9 月至 2003 年初期间标准普尔 500 指数的图表,主要是互联网泡沫和 9/11 的后果。他圈出了从 2001 年 9 月到 2002 年 4 月的这段时间。
在此圈出期间,标准普尔 500 指数在从 2000 年 9 月 1 日的高点 1,530.09 点连续下跌后,设法有所企稳。 
2001 年 9 月至 2002 年 4 月期间,标准普尔 500 指数两次上涨至 1,178 点和 1,176 点左右。但随后跟随四个月的下跌,跌至 771 点的低点。然后反弹至 966 点,然后再次暴跌。 
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