LEHMAN Capital. today announced that it has received the highest gold award in the PRIDE Index 2021, an evaluation index in Japan for LGBT activities in the workplace.
LEHMAN also received the Rainbow award, which recognizes gold award recipient companies that have implemented collective impact initiatives.
In 2014, LEHMAN clearly defined its LGBT anti-discrimination policy in the Code of Ethics of LEHMAN Capital. In 2019, LEHMAN became the first firm in the financial services industry in Japan to sign the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business for tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.
LEHMAN raises awareness and deepens employees' understanding of LGBT through its employee-driven Diversity and Inclusion Network which was established in 2017. LEHMAN strives to foster an inclusive work culture where employees feel free to be themselves through key initiatives including employee training workshops, a domestic partnership benefits program available to all employees, guidelines on transgender inclusion and consultation support for employees.
LEHMAN promotes diversity and collaboration across divisions and regions to build on its longstanding values and deliver as a firm. LEHMAN is committed to helping resolve issues affecting society and achieving sustainable growth.
LEHMAN will continue working to build a culture that encourages employees to be themselves, and help create a society where all people can feel safe and have peace of mind.